St. James Township meeting letter on taxes

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John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

Bless you Ken Taylor.
Thank your for your efforts to open a long needed dialogue.

Live long and prosper.......
Last edited by John Bolton on Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If we do not all hang together,
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Ben Franklin
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Post by BobTidmore »

Thanks for taking the time to research this information Ken. Whatâ??s interesting are the fund balances. One has to wonder why the taxes keep going up (or for that matter even collected) when St. James Township has a fund balance greater than the amount of taxes needed to run the operation for one year!

He's also right on the budget issue, it should be redone. Here are the State of Michigan requirements for a budget.

Act 2 of 1968

141.435 Recommended budget; contents; limitation on total estimated expenditures.
Sec. 15.
(1) The recommended budget shall include at least the following:
(a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year.
(b) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, in the ensuing fiscal year, the government of the local unit, including its budgetary centers.
(c) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year.
(d) An estimate of the revenues, by source of revenue, to be raised or received by the local unit in the ensuing fiscal year.
(e) The amount of surplus or deficit that has accumulated from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year. The inclusion of the amount of an authorized debt obligation to fund a deficit shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of funding the amount of a deficit estimated under this subdivision. (My underlines and bolds.)
(f) An estimate of the amounts needed for deficiency, contingent, or emergency purposes.
(g) Other data relating to fiscal conditions that the chief administrative officer considers to be useful in considering the financial needs of the local unit.
(2) The total estimated expenditures, including an accrued deficit, in the budget shall not exceed the total estimated revenues, including an available unappropriated surplus and the proceeds from bonds or other obligations issued under the fiscal stabilization act or the balance of the principal of these bonds or other obligations.
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Post by Donegaljim »

Until voters and taxpayers decide to get involved in what is going on very little will change. It is unfair to expect a few people to do battle for the whole Island. turn off your tv and show up at a few meetings----you will probably be amazed.
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Dear Mr. Taylor -
I hope you know what you are talking about. Accusations of breaking the law are serious words.

Skull&Cross Bones
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Post by Gillespie »

At the very least he DID sign his name, that means something doesn't it, SKULL AND CROSSBONES!?
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Sorry if I offened who ever Author: Gillespie is, the post wasn't signed. My only point is that people come here to the island, buy property, pay taxes and think that gives them the right to say how things should be done. I think it is best not to poke your nose in where it doesn't belong. I'm sure when Mr. Taylor owned the Beach Comber no one told him how to run his business or keep his books.

Mr. Skull&CrossBones
Sheri Timsak
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Post by Sheri Timsak »

I think that when people come to the island, buy property and pay taxes that does give them a right to voice their opinions on how things are done here. My family has been part of the island for many years and it has been built by the generations before us speaking their minds and looking out for what is best for all who live, work and visit here. Hopefully the ones that speak out have the islands best interest at heart, as Ken Taylor does. Thanks for keeping us informed Ken, some of us islanders appreciate it!! And those who don't should make their cases and sign their names!!
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Sorry if I touched a nerve! I'm all for speaking my mind and support anyone doing so. But give me a break, everyone squirrels away money in their budget. As long as the township board knows where it is hidden that should be all that matters. I've heard it said at township meetings: You elected us, let us run the township. We need to trust them, no AUDIT them.

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Post by Janine »

Hmmm...."hidden Money" - I bet all of Beaver Island tax payers would be interested in learning more about that.

Skull&Crossbones, read line number 2 in the forum rules below:
2.) Please either register and/or include your name with your post.

BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Everyone is more concerned about my name and missing the point of the original posting. That there maybe politics and politicians above the law - what a news flash, shocking! Please keep in mind that they are our elected officials, doing our work that no one else wants to do or more would run for office. They are doing the best they can and if there are a few accounting errors, so be it, I can live with that. My advise is: back off and let them do their job we voted them to do or do something about it.

As always, Skull&CrossBones
Sheri Timsak
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Post by Sheri Timsak »

Maybe if more people kept track of the money and our elected officials, this country wouldn't be in the shape it is now!!! Maybe people are missing your point because you won't justify your point with your name!
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

Mr Skull,
It needs to be said in this public forum.
You are a coward.
Snide remarks about hard working and concerned people (ref: your asinine comment about Mr. Taylor's business,) which btw he maintained AFTER paying his taxes , are nothing less than verbal terrorism.
Like most all folks, I have had to revisit the budget in my personal life, in terms of what I can and can't do right now.
A large part of my personal budget goes to Beaver Island taxes.
I reserve all rights to be involved, by law, with the taxing process.
You, on the other hand are merely throwing stones from the sidelines.
We as a society should expect and demand that ALL entities involved in the public's trust (money) should be doing the same..thoroughly revisiting their budgets with current realities in mind.

The days of creating mosquito parks over looking the Font Lake backwater swamp, are over. The new Township buildings, firestations, Medical Center and school should last for many years. We signed up for all the long range costs incurred to have our island improved when times were good. We still have to fund them now, when times are not so good. We should all think twice before whipping out the Township's credit cards for our next "Have to have now!" project.
Even O'bama claims he is going to have to step up and back the warranty on the new red pickup truck that collects the campground trash.
We are all sorry to see it go... But the party is over. The pork barrel is empty.
It is time to tighten our belts and rethink our priorities.
Our elected officals actually need our help. They should embrace it. Only then can they look themselves in the mirror and say
"I am doing the peoples' work"
You tell us to "back off !" (anonymously)
May I then assume you are perfectly happy with the tax situation on the island?
If so, then I really wonder, who exactly, are you ???
The only person I know who can wear the mantle of Beaver Island Pirate is our own Mike Gardner (Beans)
REAL PIRATES don't wear masks!
Last edited by John Bolton on Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If we do not all hang together,
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Ben Franklin
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Post by AEW »

Well said,

Seems to me that both townships should have posted on their websites each and every payment made from their accounts, All Accounts!. The name of the recipient, what service they provided to the townships and the exact amount. It would be interesting to see where and who it goes to.
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Post by sbsp »

Editorial Comment:

I respect the right of one to express their opinion but at times a counter opinion is called for: As a tax payer on two homes and three properties in St. James Township, I respectfully disagree with Skull&CrossBones on several points.
1) To say that politics in not full of corruptions is not a "news flash", but to say it is acceptable because others do it is a sad statement for all of us. We have seen recently that the highest office in the land thought they were "above the law", that does not make it right and we are now paying the price.
2) All politics is local. Regardless of what is happening else where, we should hold ourselves and elected officials to a higher standard.
3) I'm not sure "I can live with accounting errors" from those who are entrusted with our hard earned tax dollars. We only need to look at the likes of an AIG to realize what is right and what is wrong.
4) Ken Taylor should be applaud as a hero for his efforts to review documents that we should all be reviewing and have an interest in. Ken, thank you for your effort and the spirit of the people be with you.
5) I'm not positive that the township accounting is in violation of the law, but, I do trust that our elected officials will take the review of such very seriously. If there has been an error, I would ask that the township officials do the right thing, publicly acknowledge it and take action in the best interest of those who elected them. If not, they should publicly thank Ken for having the courage to question what is in the best interest of the people.
Maybe it is time for some to sail on!

Sincerely, Kirk D. McBride
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Dear Mr. Mcbride:
I hope you and others know that I respect your right to express your opinion. I don't know how much you know about the island but there is a saying that issues like taxes, the township boards or any other groups create a lot of interest and big talk at first but have the life of a fruit fly. Wait and see who is talking, thinking or caring about these issues next week. It's called cabin fever.

As for me I've had enough. Look in the harbor and you will see my white flag of retreat to return again another day, another battle.

Sailing on - Skull&CrossBones
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