Gun control

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Gun control

Post by BIdick »

The posting by Tom, is the closest I've seen to my own thoughts. Any intelligent person should know that guns don't kill people. People kill people. The people and students in the last school shootings could be spending their energy and efforts to making schools more safe. So a person with a rifle could not enter the school. That is my belief.
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Post by BradG »

Guns are simply too easily obtained especially assault weapons, high capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers. There is no reason a private citizen should own those any more than an automatic weapon, an RPG or anything else made for the military. I don't need an AR-15 to deal with squirrels no matter how tempting it might be. In fact my truck, pole barn and propane tank are safer if I don't have one. Will it solve all our problems? No. Will crazy people still be crazy? Yes. It's a reasonable place to start though.

K.D. McBride
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Post by K.D. McBride »

Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people. Some of those people with guns who kill people suffer mental illness but not all. Look at the per capita of developed nations around the world for guns owned, mental illness and people killed with guns. The United States exceeds all nations per capita with guns owned by people and people killed with guns. We do not have an exclusive corner on mental illness which is about the same for other nations. The NRA and politicians would like us to believe it is a mental illness issue. It's a gun issue with the absence of sensible gun laws.
Former member of the NRA so I could voice my opinion internally as a member and ardent defender of the 2nd Amendment.
Kirk D. McBride
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Gun control

Post by BIdick »

ktaylor wrote:Brad is expressing exactly as I feel. The statement that guns don't kill people is absurd.
Please post any evidence of a firearm killing anyone without a human behind the weapon. Enough said.
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Post by BradG »

Can anyone explain why any civilian needs an assault weapon, high capacity magazine, silencer or a bump stock? The fact remains high levels of gun ownership are associated with high levels of gun deaths. People kill people and guns make it too easy.
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Post by stardust »

The one thing no one has asked is what happen to the school armed deputy assigned to the campus. he could ended it before it started. If it had been me I would of been the first guy through that door vest or no vest
Mike Finn
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Post by Mike Finn »

It has been reported that the police officer assigned to guard the school failed to engage the shooter and was suspended without pay by the police chief.
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Post by Fschoo »

Everyone knows there are laws in place to handle the misuse of guns. And the percentage of guns used by criminals that are either unregistered or stolen is never a part of these conversations. Statistics are quoted all the time about how many deaths have occurred when used by criminals and lumped together with those that occur by law abiding citizens.

Criminals are criminals not law abiding gun owners... I will not be lumped together with a bunch of people that just don't give a ______ as excuse to take away more of my right to protect myself from about human life. I will not walk in lock step with everyone else.

The Constitution gave us the right to keep and bear arms for a reason... One is so we can protect ourselves and our family's. And another is so that 'the people" could never be threatened by a government has begun to take away our right to own them. I personally like Archie Bunkers idea on how to stop hijackers "Arm All the Passengers"...!!! "In my opinion our government is walking a tightrope right now... As in nearly every way they have begun to
regulate and control our lives.... "Taint gonna happen", sooner than people think "the people" are gonna get fed up...

I suggest everyone goes to: and sign the petition (as I did).

The problem with guns is the _____'s. And our failure as a nation is that we've refused to address the issues that cause these things to happen.

The simple solution to no one being poor is to "Give them Money"...????!! And the simple solution to gun deaths is to "Take away Guns"...???!!! And that's going to fix things right...???
I end where I started... Ummmmmmmm

Just my opinion kinda...
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