Another dead snake!

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Eric Naranjo
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Another dead snake!

Post by Eric Naranjo »

Yesterday I was driving a family member to the airport. As I came over a hill I immediately noticed a very large snake on the passenger side in the road way. Because there were other people besides me in the vehicle I chose not to swerve. That decision was based on drivers training rules from the summer of 1983. Next I heard a small pop kind of noise and my wife informed me that I had indeed ran over a snake. In a less than angry and slightly irritated voice I exclaimed to my wife " I can't avoid every snake that comes across my path. " Sad to say, that snake is no longer with us.

So who cares? wait, there's more. I have to go on record as saying that 1. I personally do not have anything against snakes. 2. I have never ever caused harm to a snake or killed one for the sake of killing it. 3. I have personally allowed snakes to come and go as they please on our property because I believe that if they are not doing me or anyone from our camp any harm I cannot justify wasting any time or energy on them. With that being said I must add that how other people treat / deal with their snakes is their business. (I have heard some very creative ways of dealing with snakes on the island.)

So what is it exactly that I am trying to get across to the whole island? My reason for existence is to help all of my brothers and sisters that are willing to help me. My goal is to live peacefully here at my current address and to promote a spirit of self sufficiency and stability. Our doors are always open to anyone that expresses a sincere desire to help themselves and others no matter what your last name is except for John Fiegan and James R Latta. I have to publicly call you out by name for reasons you will soon learn of. This is a result of yesterdays yearly Pof SJ meeting at the Peaine township hall. John exhibited a total lack of self control when one member of the audience suggested that agents attempting to gather information should identify themselves with some sort of photo i.d. or possibly a sticker on their vehicle. Later in the same meeting James R Latta informed everyone in the room that Board members from the Port of St James Authority movement do not need wear a badge or give notice to the land owner before coming on to your property during regular business hours.

Earlier this morning I called the Michigan State police and the Charlevoix County Sheriffs department and spoke specifically with a dispatcher who encouraged me to contact the local Sheriff after hearing that P of S.J. board members are so far distracted from reality that they would make a totally insane statement as what was made. I use the word insane because I have been reassured that The Michigan Penal Code Act 328 1931 (I strongly urge all of the "board members" to read and understand this law) It says that if I express the fact that I do not want John Fiegan, James R Latta on my property all I have to do is say so. Which I did. I'll say it again. John Fiegan and James R Latta DO NOT attempt to trespass at 38905 Island Woods N. Beaver Island Mi, 49782
A sign is currently being fabricated to give these two guys an additional chance to understand that Michigan trespass laws as well as Stand Your Ground laws will be enforced at our dwelling.

Last but not least, let it be known that I do not believe in the "covenant" I consider it longstanding fraud that a few continue to attempt to perpetuate. I agree with all who have discontinued paying their dues. Until the board agrees to take into consideration the needs and desires of the members (all of them) I find it hard to believe that this supposed group exists for any other reason than to take your money. I could go on but as you will see everything I have said will be written off as a lie. So I am happy with my intentions being made public and am looking forward to building stronger relationships with some of the kindest people on my favorite island!

Thank you for reading this, Eric Naranjo
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Post by Jimmy »

Mr. Naranjo,
You are very correct in your right to defend your property and to the point on certain of these people using heavy handed tactics because they assume they are the big wheel. The association leadership seems more interested in less development of association lots than anything and to ply unreasonable rules on unsuspecting property owners!
K.A. Pike
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Post by K.A. Pike »

This is an interesting post. Some of the most vocal people on this forum who consistently post about the injustices of Beaver Island are silent. I think the shoe is on the other foot and they don't like it. Come on guys, you know who you are, stick up for yourselves. Tell us your side of the story.
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Post by jflanagan »

I think that most people are aware of what happens in these discussions, unfortunately, they have not been a place for thoughtful exchanges of information. Neither are they a place for accurate and factual descriptions of events. Instead we get threats and inaccurate descriptions of events.

I have for worked under the principal of not feeding the trolls on this board. ... 7d553c0b93

I will try to clarify a couple of things here. I am a member of the Port St. James Board (For those not aware of it Port St. James is a private homeowners association that is part of but distinct from St. James Township). The homeowners association was formed more than 50 years ago by mutual consent of approximately 1000 property owners for the purpose of managing and sharing common properties (i.e Stable campground, The Pavilion & Beach and parks and hiking trails) and protecting the value of Port St. James property.

It is enforced by a restrictive covenant on each piece of property that was part of the original agreement. When someone buys property in the association the covenant is attached to their deed and cannot be removed.

The current board did not create the covenant, they are merely trying to do their duty to enforce it. Unfortunately I was off Island on business and missed the meeting that you mention or I would have supported John and the rest of the board,

As for your threats. I'd suggest you research the Michigan stand your ground law. It does not allow you to shoot your neighbors just because you dislike them. Or even just because you have warned them to stay away.

I am sorry that I cannot continue this discussion. But, as I said above, don't feed the trolls!
James Flanagan
37700 Font View Ct. 4439 N. California
Beaver Island, Mi Chicago, Il
49782 60625
231-448-2109 773-463-5494
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My two cents

Post by stardust »

So what your saying is that 50 years ago a covenant was created by the POSHA and has not been amended to take in to account the current economic rescission. If the HOA would amend the covenant or allow a vote by the landowners to amend the covenant.
Sheri Timsak
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Post by Sheri Timsak »

I have lived in Port St. James for 33 years and there have been a few things about the covenant that I have questioned but have never blamed the representatives of trying to enforce and have never threatened them with bodily harm. I agree with James Flanagan on not feeding the trolls, but felt I needed to add my opinion. Knowing The two men referred too in this, especially John Fiegen, who has always had a very level head, I am inclined to believe that they were only doing their "job". Is it even explained what exactly happened, just because you buy property and put a dwelling on it, are you allowed to live in it without a proper septic, drain field, etc.? Sorry James, I'm done feeding them.
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Goodbye & Hello -----Tim Buckley ......and I wave godbye to beaver island...
Jim Campbell
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Post by douglascurtisedgar »

Port of St. James has specific rules. Don't like them? Sell. Rules are to prevent dumpy home sites, maintain property values and promote a pleasant environment. If the board has snakes, they are only trying to prevent rodents from taking over.
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

I agree with Sheri that Covenant rules keep the PSJ from looking like a rural ghetto, however, Stardust (whoever you are) has a point that sometimes amendments are needed to keep a document relevant to the times.
Question to Mr. Flanigan: Is there an avenue in the PSJ Covenant that allows for amendments or general rules change?
I hope you do not consider this question addressed to you as a PSJA board member, "Trolling"

Having been a member for 33+ years, I have witnessed, what IMHO, has been an uneven approach to PSJ rule enforcement.
Even lately, I understand through the Coconut Telegraph, that there are some instances where certain members feel they are being singled out for supposed rule infractions, while the exact same "infraction" by other members, has been ignored, for years, by the enforcement body.
Last time a received a speeding ticket, I lamely tried to justify my actions by explaining that I was only one of many cars that were all speeding at the same time. The Officer said, " Yes, however, you are the one I stopped today, I will get those other guys tomorrow"... and Perhaps... that is what is happening in the PSJ area now. Perhaps not.
I have met John Fiegan and he has always been courteous and straight forward.
I have not met Mr. Latta, but have heard more than one story about his social bedside manner. I understand that he is NOT the attorney of record for the PSJA (?), however, he has been quoting law (State and Covenant) when discussing potential rules infraction and enforcement procedures with members.
I don't know, but I'm not sure if that is the proper or legal way to have Board members attempt to enforce Covenant rules and conditions with their fellow resident members.
As far as Mr. Douglascurtisedgar comments, which to me, are reminiscent of Spiro Agnew's,"Love it or Leave" campaign of 1968,... This is an Island. We are your neighbors.

Last, Best Trolling speeds:
1.5- 2.4 mph (Salmon)
2.5- 3.2 mph (Lake Trout)
4.5- 6.5 mph (Sailfish,yellowtail, tuna,)
7.0-12+ mph (Wahoo) close in, right behind the propwash..
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
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Post by Jimmy »

Mr. Edgar is basically correct that there are rules in play but so are you Mr. Bolton. Sometimes it depends on who it is and sometimes the "enforcers" do take things a little too far. Over the years some members who become enforcers decide the island has grown enough and they use the covenant to slow others down. The covenant, for example, has rules on minimum square footage, exterior coverings (siding, etc.) and things like that. This wasn't enough however so the association established an architectural committee, interior lots stopped selling again! We need affordable housing for people on this island and PSJ is about the only place is is going to happen, if people are left reasonably alone.
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