Dave Duda

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Marie LaFreniere
Posts: 1166
Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:15 pm
Location: Beaver Island

Dave Duda

Post by Marie LaFreniere »

Sheri Timsak asked that I post this. I have to apologize, she sent it to me on 12/23 and I just saw it. Some of the info is outdated. From Marilyn......

Family & Friends,
According to Dave's doctors, the stitches and staples will be removed Monday morning - from all three head areas. It is anticipated communication with doctors at Mercy Medical Center in Dubuque will give green light to transport him by ambulance (with nurse attending) to Dubuque. If all goes as planned, I will follow, get him checked in and see that he is settled before heading home. Likely won't email again for awhile. Will be wonderful to be back home after two weeks in Iowa City. All three sons are planning to come over Christmas; that's the best medicine Dave could have. Our anniversary is Christmas Eve. Some of you know we celebrate not only annually, but our monthiversaries. Dec. 24th will be our 132nd monthiversary.

The medical teams and care at Univ. of Iowa Hospital have been outstanding. It's a large teaching hospital. The Rossi House - hotel within the hospital - has been a godsend for me. As I packed up tonight, so many graces large and small ran thru my mind with thanksgiving.

Should you want to send a card, I'll include the Med Center address below. You can also send mail to our home address as I anticipate going back and forth every day the roads are passable. From our door to Mercy Medical Center is approximately four miles. Another great blessing. Dave will be in intense therapy three to four hours per day and is highly motivated. Thanks for your genuine care, love, and prayers. As the days go by, we'll have more insight and happily accept your multiple offers of help. In the meantime, thanks for your encouraging words. Dave's off-the-wall sense of humor is intact. Can share sample another time.
With a grateful heart, Marilyn for both

Mercy Medical Center - Rehab
Patient David Duda
250 Mercy Dr.
Dubuque, IA 52001
Posts: 118
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:48 am

Dave Duda

Post by Joyce »

Marie or Sherri, Please post Duda's home address. Thank you.
BIHS volunteer
Posts: 60
Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:51 am

12/27/13 update on Dave Duda

Post by thenomads »

Family and Friends,
Dave was transported via ambulance on Monday 12/23 from Univ. of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City to Mercy Medical Rehab Center in Dubuque, Iowa. He's very happy to be back in Dubuque... home territory. I'm happy to be home at night and making progress on backlog of mail, writing checks, laundry, etc. Dave's rehab sessions have been five times daily and are paying off with marked improvement. That's not to say there aren't plenty of hurdles left.

Mid- afternoon on Christmas Eve, sons Dan & Kirk arrived and stayed over for Christmas. Son Mitch and wife Shelley arrived midday on Christmas. Dave had the full attention of all three sons which was the best present and best medicine. Our friend, Vickie Wilwert, came to hospital to take photos of them together on Christmas Day - what a gift!

The past couple of days have been rough ones - at first disconcerting, but turns out to be a blessing. His progress is highlighting issues. Dr. Stanek, one of the neurologists, says Dave's cerebellar stroke was a bad one. He projects 3 to 4 weeks minimum at Mercy Rehab Center and 6 to 12 months recovery time. Dave is motivated. Good medical/therapy team. A nice combination.

Some current highlights:
â?¢Double Vision, nausea, and motion sickness during therapy sessions. Addressed with Eye Patch over right eye and meds.

â?¢Light sensitivity - Addressed by pulling blinds and turning off all lights when medical staff not attending. Limited visitors.

â?¢Bladder infection - Addressed with antibiotics.

â?¢Remarkable improvement in motor skills - Walked about 60 ft. with walker and only one attendant therapist on Friday.

â?¢Swallowing therapy showing good results - Ice chips and Dum-Dum suckers his reward - To be used to practice swallowing, build up muscles, with goal of eating and drinking.

Arlean & Lee (sister & brother-in-law) plan to come from northern Wisconsin on Monday and then stay overnight to see Dave again Tuesday a.m. before heading back home. Again, good medicine and anticipation. Thank you to all of you for your prayers, encouragement, and multiple ways of blessing us. Dave is not yet up to reading cards, but is happy to hear they've come and from whom. I've yet to hear him complain or whine about his health challenges of 2013. On the contrary, his sense of humor remains.

With grateful hearts and love to you, Marilyn for both
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