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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:27 pm
by AEW
Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης - kleptēs, "thief"[1] and κράτος - kratos, "power, rule",[2] hence "rule by thieves") is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretense of honest service.


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:01 am
What's going on in local government? Who knows? They are not telling! What's going on with regard to Beaver Island: Here are a few things, People are putting their houses on the market and packing up and leaving. People are letting their property go back to the county for back taxes. People are buying homes in the Charlevoix area to have access to real health care. This is due, in part, to the shenanigans ( not the band ). Shenanigans- " Deception or tomfoolery on the part of carnival stand operators." There is no carnival going on Beaver Island, there's a whole damn Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:32 pm
by sbsp
It's becoming obvious that people who live and work on Beaver Island are either oblivious to the Island's critical problems, feel helpless to know what to do or just plain don't care. The facts speak for themselves: Tourism and visitor counts to the Island have been in decline for the past few years. Businesses have gone or closed much faster than new ones have opened. Property values have been cut in half with individuals and investors going elsewhere. If one buys in this downward spiraling market they soon see profits wiped out by high taxes. School enrollment is down almost 50%. Contractors, builders and workmen have to go off island in search of steady work. Soon it appears we will be without full time paramedic coverage. Given all this, the townships appear to continue business as usual with spending our tax money as if we were in prosperous times while at the same time overlooking the Island's critical needs.
People on the Island may not be paying attention or care about the articles posted on this forum but people researching Beaver Island online for visiting or investing are paying close attention and comprehend what is happening. They are wisely choosing to have their feet and money go in a different direction. We have heard that fact stated from several full time and summer people posting here.
Once we fall below the point of no return and implode we will have no one to blame but ourselves for not calling upon our leaders to step up and display leadership and fiscal responsibility.


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:55 pm
by Gillespie
Kirk, There have been 1500 views of this topic since I posted Sunday night, if that is not public awareness I don't know what is! Sadly the township officials responsible for this mess are dragging all of us down with them. Our emergency services agreement was PASSED on a motion made by Kitty McNamara and seconded by Jean Palmer Wednesday night, there was discussion of having the townships lawyer review it but the motion was not amended, it passed! Let's at least move forward in some way!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:24 pm
by sbsp
Rich -
Fifteen hundred public viewers is a valid point for public awareness. Let me amend my post to say that viewers are good, doers are better. I would issue a call to arms for all viewers who share our concerns to speak up with their opinion on this forum. Not everyone can make it to township meetings but all viewers can present their concerns here. Silence only emboldens those who need to hear public input. Change will only happen if we the tax paying public speak up to our leaders stating we demand better and more from them. Do it here, do it now. Our problems, our solutions.


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:59 pm
by sbsp
I thank those people who have posted their questions and concerns on this forum. I don't truly believe that people who love Beaver Island are oblivious to what is happening. I'm not sure any one person has the solution to the problems but that should not make us feel helpless in attempting to solve things. If people make their voices heard here on the forum, it sends a message that we are aware of what is happening and change is needed. Silence will only promote continuation on what appears to be a disaster course. Start a conversation with friends, talk about it over coffee, attend meetings, let elected officials know how you feel, read minutes to understand what is being or not being done, volunteer for committees or boards, run for office. There is a lot each of us can do in our own way to become an agent for change. I think all of us who have been touched by Beaver Island want to see it have a bright and prosperous future for everyone who comes here or lives here to enjoy for many years to come.


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:25 pm
by Gillespie
There were observations made by many since this topic was posted, conversations with people who have a great concern where we may be headed. A local "newspaper", which is being very kind, railed on people who posted to this topic or perhaps started the topic without ANY question of what was asked. It was stated in this, so called newspaper, that persons should have called, written or attended public meeting or contacted officials to garner their responses to questions on ALL of these topics! Really?? Do these people think any of these questions were not previously posed in writing or by phone call or in person? Do these people think the rest of us are lying in the nest waiting to screw up someones day? Or are negligent people possibly guilty of screwing up more than that? There is great hope that daylight is coming. To the people who would cover or deny, shame on you, you never sought to find out the truth in all of the missing funds or accounting, are you really concerned?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:48 pm
by AEW
I say again.

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης - kleptēs, "thief"[1] and κράτος - kratos, "power, rule",[2] hence "rule by thieves") is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretense of honest service.

Article by Bill Holter

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:56 pm
by E. Naranjo
Ken, here is an interesting article written by Bill Holter called "Collapse of global trade? The economic and financial lies are getting bigger. A spade can never be called a spade."
Here is the part that struck me hard. " The following analogy sums it up pretty well I believe. This game works well â?¦for a â??whileâ?￾. It works â??whileâ?￾ everyone is confident and no one asks any questions. It works while no one at the poker table decides to cash in and leave with their chips. It works well for as long as no one believes anyone else is cheating. Actually, it even works when everyone knows that everyone else is cheating â?¦as long as everyone is winning. The problems begin when people start asking questions. Questions begin when people start to lose money. The answers are brutally ugly when discovered so it is imperative that no questions are allowed to be askedâ?¦ and this is where we are today. This is exactly what â??official policyâ?￾ is today. "

The entire article can be found here.---> ... onnection/


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:52 am
Here's a good example: Not too long ago I walked into a public building behind a lifetime St. James Township politician. Just as I entered I heard another resident ask " How did the meeting go last night? ". The response was " It went pretty well after we got the mouthy ones to shut up. " The politician went on to explain what a pain in the a$$ it is to try to get something done with people who don't know what they are talking about asking a bunch of questions. The resident, in kink of an incredulous manner answered, " Well, that's good, I guess." At that point I burst out laughing and I was caught. The conversation ended. Just makes you want to go to a meeting and get involved, doesn't it?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:22 am
by sbsp
I went back to my journalism notes from school and two things hit me as having been lost in today's news print. I found my old ID press card which on the back listed our guiding principles for good journalism in everything we printed:

1. Above all else, the First Amendment
2. The Principles of Journalism Ethics and Standards:
Public Accountability

We used these as our guide when reporting. Our editor used them when reviewing and approving our articles. We placed public trust above all else. Readers of the Island newspaper should use the above list when reading articles or editorials as a check list for standards of professionalism. Only by doing this will we keep our newspapers printing facts and not serving personal objectives.


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:44 am
by Gillespie
10,000 views in a little over 30 days. Do people care, they sure do! There are a lot of people being patiently respectful of the process and the eventual outcome. Those responsible for this mess could make things a lot easier and the cost a whole lot less if they would step up and do the right thing. That is not the case.

Why the "media" has not stepped in here is beyond believe but it could run to the old adage, "Consider The Source". Instead of posing even modest questions their backs are turned violating every precept of responsible journalism. Our bank statements indicate we are broke! This is not going away.

For a very small town, very significant sums of money have been misappropriated or for that matter are missing or unaccounted for. The special auditor has not issued a report. Many have commented that you cannot audit what you cannot see. The records should be right there in black and white and they are not.

We pay more taxes here than they do in Bloomfield Hills or East Grand Rapids (mills). This is not going away, its just going to get worse and cost all of you affected a lot more if it doesn't get corrected sooner.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:43 pm
by John Bolton
Yes, it will be voting time again... and once more, our good neighbors who live on the island year round will, with their vote, decide who is going to represent all of the taxpayers on Beaver island.

.....and utilizing the age old adage of, " Not seeing the forest for the trees"... The question might well be asked:

Will candidates who step forward with a platform which heartedly represents the interests and concerns of the majority non voting property taxpayers, a platform that understands that business health and property tax issues are intertwined and vital to the long term general economic health of the island, find their candidacy in jeopardy?...

... and while I am railing as one of the so called, "Misinformed Dirty Dozen"... it is apparent to anyone who reads the local journalism,( and by that description, I am being kind) the Chamber of Commerce and it's agenda, is paramount to the editorial content that is being published... this is not unique to Beaver Island, as in our small town where I am registered to vote..nothing really bad ever happens here, either...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:03 am
by Gillespie
I have sent a letter to the townships attorney asking that he review this thread and put foreword some effort to resolve this matter. I did mention to him that I (I at least) do not feel he is the boards attorney, he is the townships attorney which includes all of us and that answers need to come sooner than later.

I met with two island related people over the weekend in Traverse City who asked many questions and told me they were very happy this was being pursued. Both of them commented that they wished there were something they could do. I said, come forth, post comments or call the township, whatever you think is best! Do you know what the response was? "Jean cuts my grass, who would cut my grass if she gets mad at me?" Sadly the person made a valid point. It explains why so many are silent on this, if not for this reason than others!

Those attempting to correct this need your help. Perhaps if not here why don't you send an email to the supervisor! Here is his email address: Make no mistake about it, your input is important either way, let it be known!

Here is a link to common township rules, the vast majority of which are or have been violated. ... eb09_1.pdf

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:03 pm
by sbsp
"Internet chat forums are not where serious adults attempt to influence public policy", fact or fiction in the mind of the author? When one does not have facts and figures to back up their points, one resorts to unfounded personal opinion. This may be the case with the Viewpoint article. The BI Forum has far greater daily readership than the NorthernIslander. The author might keep in mind that when insulting the individuals who post on the forum, by association she is insulting the readers of those posts.
