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Please Attend St. James Township Annual Meeting March 28th

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:06 pm
by Gillespie
St. James Township will be meeting with the auditor as a prior post indicated. It is important that the public be there to understand where their money is and how it has been handled. This relates to the EMS program and repairs to Donegal Bay Road, the sewer and other things. I sent the following to the FOIA officer earlier this week who did reply but many questions I had asked of Jean (Palmer) Wierenga (who resigned as FOIA) went unanswered, it appears that records did not exist or were not properly handled. An auditor aquaintance said they had never seen anything like it with all of the corrections and adjustments.

"Ms McNamara:

I understand the township board will be meeting very soon for a board work session/meeting with the township auditor. Please accept this FOIA request for the following:

Copy of the three most recent audits for St. James Township (2013-2014 FY; 2012-2013 FY; 2011-2012 FY).

Copy of any and all documents to be discussed at the work session to be held January 15 or 16, 2015.

I must, at this time, also protest the reestablishment of the 2001 Debt Retirement Fund and Sewer Use Fund prior to such an important meeting with the auditor. Please provide the record of the closing or cancellation of these funds, minutes or any record of same, whom closed it and dates.

If you have any questions about this request, please feel free to contact me. I do understand that you are the new FOIA officer. I appreciate your response to part of the questions I had submitted to the prior FOIA officer. I do understand the potential for delay as such and realize full well that those unanswered questions may not be at your fault but the rule of law still applies. These things put the township in high jeopardy which is very unsettling. As such I ask for a prompt response (5 days) to this request and an expeditious response to the unanswered questions. If it is best for you to transmit same electronically (by email), I am willing to accept same. I would only ask that we exchange acknowledgement. Thank you, Richard Gillespie"

Her response:

Dear Richard,

Attached are copies of the three most recent audits for St James Township as you requested. (2013-2014 FY; 2012-2013 FY; 2011-2012 FY)

Attached is a copy of the 2014 Tax Rate Request form that the board will look at to discuss renewal of Voted Operational Millage, Airport Millage and Transfer Station Millage.

There are no board minutes that record the closing or cancellation of the 2001 Debt Retirement Fund and Sewer Use Fund, but I will contact Karen Wojan tomorrow about bank statements and get back to you.

(I asked how and why this account was closed and by whose authority, this is what Kitty provided which, as a new board member and thrust into a difficult position is all she could give but it is not enough, one board member cannot open and close accounts!)

I met today with Jean Wierenga to review prior FOIA requests that you made - please give me a phone call if you will to discuss the best way to proceed with FOIA questions you may still have.

Kathleen McNamara, Trustee
St James Township FOIA coordinator"

A small fraction of why questions need to be answered!!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:07 pm
by Gillespie
If you cannot attend please post your questions or comments to either thread.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:26 pm
by sbsp
By either thread I assume you mean this one from you and the other being the Tidmore thread posted on Jan 13th.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:36 pm
by Gillespie
Yes, Kirk, that is correct, thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:02 pm
by sbsp
I hope we have generated enough questions, concerns and interest for those who are on the Island to take the time to attend tomorrow's meeting. As per usual, our leaders schedule things to happen when the majority of the tax payers are not on the Island or able to attend and participate in person.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:31 am
by Trish Scott
There are obviously many issues and many material findings. Not a good audit report whatsoever.

The finding about spending beyond the appropriation could have been easily avoided by having the township board change the budgeted figures before the expenditures were made. Individual budget lines were over expended without authorization. The funds still have positive balances. The fund balances are not in the red.

I expect that this post will not elicit negative, personal reactions. If this forum is to serve a positive function in the community, everyone needs to be civil in all posts, even if we passionately disagree.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:36 am
by sbsp
Trish -
Good and meaningful input!


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:16 am
by John Bolton
Thanks Rich for taking a lead here...
Well said, Trish,
As I cant be there in JANUARY..
and I CAN'T VOTE on issues, anyway...

If you all decide not to stay civil,
I have some pitchforks and torches, out behind the house...:D

Ask questions. Takes notes ..
and remember... they ARE your neighbors...

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:46 am
by Gillespie
Trish, John, to say that this entire discussion is not about beating up your neighbor would be an understatement. This is about a potentially disastrous situation. My focus is on what is it and how do we fix it.

Obviously confidence in those in a position of management of our dollars, if this is true, should remove themselves from the position.

Secondly, what is this going to cost us to correct? Should this be mis and malfeasance of office governmental immunity would/should not apply. If this is the case would errors and omissions insurance come into play?

Thirdly, it would seem that the CPA firm has a major responsibility here. They were in place to make sure things like this don't happen. I don't want to know it's fixed without knowing why it happened and how. This way we can prevent it happening again with reasonable diligence. Let's hope some answers start to come out which will certainly be followed by more questions!

I have asked that these forum discussions will become part of the record and have submitted them to the township.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:30 am
by Trish Scott
I don't know the particulars about the CPA firm engagement. But typically, an auditing firm must be independent in order to audit and not a part of day to day management. Yes, an auditing firm provides guidance to correct material findings and can be very helpful.

It is critical to hold public officials with financial responsibility to the highest standards of transparency to protect the public and the officials. Is training provided to newly appointed township supervisors? Somehow, the basics were apparently missed.

If, even worse, the official was aware of proper procedures and willfully decided to act unilaterally, then obviously that official is not the one for the job.

The auditing firm will explain the findings and proscribe how to correct them. Going forward, it will be quite important to follow their professional guidance to assure public funds are being handled appropriately.

Internal controls will need to be strengthened. Even when there are fewer people to divide the work amongst, there are work-arounds to ensure there are sufficient controls to prevent the opportunity for any type of fraud, etc., Again, the audit firm can and will recommend procedures that protect our funds.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:09 pm
by sbsp
Trish -
Excellent information from an audit/CPA perspective and I hope that today's meeting touched on these critical issues with suggestions for corrections. St. James Township does have a new supervisor but my frustration is that we have had the same Clerk and Treasurer forever. These are the positions that need to be held responsible and accountable, not solely the supervisor. As in all leadership positions, the boss needs to depend on the competence of the experienced officers who have been in the job for a number of years. I would think that detailed financial training would start with the clerk and treasurer's position with oversight, not detailed, responsibility by the supervisor. To my point, I believe both the clerk and treasurer's positions are compensated at a higher rate than the supervisor.
Thank you again for your insightful input.


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:10 pm
by Gillespie
Comments and questions are being accumulated from the video of the township meeting yesterday. The information will be posted here when it becomes available. Thank you!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:51 am
by Gillespie
Ms. McNamara called and did not appreciate that I had highlighted one of her comments made to me in a FOIA request last week. I generally agree although the response was to my question which I felt should have been highlighted, I think put a comment in parentheses (which, of course, I have the right to do) but I wanted to clarify that she did not add emphasis.

That said, it is the question and answer that should draw most attention. Here is the text:

"There are no board minutes that record the closing or cancellation of the 2001 Debt Retirement Fund and Sewer Use Fund, but I will contact Karen Wojan tomorrow about bank statements and get back to you."

"(I asked how and why this account was closed and by whose authority, this is what Kitty provided which, as a new board member and thrust into a difficult position is all she could give but it is not enough, one board member cannot open and close accounts!)"

I have a followup question as to whom actually ordered the account(s) closed an am waiting for reply on same.

I believe, very strongly that no one wants to be or should be hurt by misquotes or comments here but the larger issue is what is or has been done with the public trust.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:20 am
by Trish Scott
Richie, good for you for clarifying that you added the emphasis. To properly quote, it has to be exact. One does note if emphasis is added.

And, it does matter how you comment on issues. It's called civil discourse and it means that you treat people with respect even if you disagree with them. If you don't, your message is lost in the maelstrom.

IMHO, Ms. McNamara has already distinguished herself on the township board by asking lots of good questions. She is fully engaged in the process.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:15 pm
by sbsp
With all due respect for the auditors and the St. James Township Board, how can it be that the auditors admonished the board for basic ledger records, bookkeeping and financial accounting procedures when 3 board members have a combined township board experience of close to 50 years or more?
