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Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:21 am
by JFPowers
With the current state of potholes everywhere on the island I thought it would be a great time to revive this thread. There is no proper balance of the expenditure of public monies with the islands logical needs. The roads here are a joke, there is no logical reason why they are not paved, there is nothing pristine about pounding down a road, hitting a patch of ice, having your tire fall into a pothole and the having your car roll over.

Wake up Island Leadership!!


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:45 am
by BobTidmore
Right on--how can our emergency vehicles respond in a timely manner when we have these deplorable roads on the island. In some cases they are almost impassable. For those of you off the island here are some photos taken onEast Side Drive and Paid Een Ogs Rd.




Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:27 pm
by sbsp
Insanity on Beaver Island is defined as continuing with the same old power players and expecting different results. We need more responsible leadership such as Richie demonstrated by attempting to awaken folks to the need for improved infrastructure. Roads are just the beginning.



Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:56 pm
OH!, but we love our pot holes that devour vehicles!


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:17 am
by thenomads
Thanks Jeff & Bob! Most people here this time of year do not even SEE these roads. We not only see them but drive them nearly every day, 7 miles of this. It's not only deplorable but hard on vehicles, nerves and down right disgusting to think that we pay taxes to have this kind of services out of our township and county!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:06 am
by John Bolton
Let us make sure that when ranting about road services that we do not put any blame on Doug Gillespie and his crew over efforts to keep the roads passable.

"Never in the field of human conflict has so much, been owed by so many, to so few..."

Driving the roads on the north and west side this past week the hardest thing is, the realization, that here, on the most isolated continually populated island in the continental United States..... I will have to slow down....

Besides I am here to merely pay taxes... not to get to have an actual voting opinion...

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:52 pm
by thenomads
Yes, will reflection on our local road crew. If given the proper equipment our roads could be in much better condition.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:11 pm
by sbsp
Agreed! It's leadership. Our taxes, our problems, our solutions.


The roads

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:19 pm
by Sharolyn
I had the opportunity to go to Washington Island this summer for an afternoon. Washington Island like us, is basically a community that also attracts some tourists. We rented a car and drove around the island with a year round population of approximately 600 (similar to the Beaver). What we quickly realized is that almost all of the roads were paved. What a pleasure it was to drive around and focus on the beauty of the lake and the island without having to avoid road hazards and dust. I suppose this is all mute since I believe all of the road paving equipment was removed from the island this summer. Orrrr... maybe as others have suggested those in political positions can step up to the plate.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:12 am
by Gillespie
This topic has received 2500 + views since someone brought it back to the top. What more could verify what is on peoples minds? Nearly 25000. unique views! One St. James official was quoted to have said, "We don't get our information from the forum." Hello! The positive comments on this subject were running nearly 100% with few exceptions. This indicates not only a failure of the township(s) to step up and take decisive action, it also shows that nothing had been done in the 10-12 years prior to be ready for the next paving project. Comments on here about the lack of good sense leaving the roads "as is" couldn't be more accurate. It's not good for nature, cars, businesses, tourism nor anything else, it only takes from all of us. Public service is stewardship, helping to improve the community, who is doing this? This island community has troubles, population dwindling, taxes higher than reasonable for your services. There is plenty of disorder in the administration of public trust, we will get into that later.

It was suggested that I had a "good idea" in pushing for additional paving this year, most agree. In an article in the Northern Islander this was suggested with the notion that it needed to be flowed through "the powers that be", are you kidding me!? They didn't do anything since Don Vyse stepped down, nothing!! (2001?) Don't take the money if you are not going to do the job people! Mr. Bolton, a long term lover and supporter of this island comes from California 3 or 4 times a year to enjoy the island and people. Sooner or later you diminish someones interest with the same old crap and ignoring your duties while pretending you are doing so. In my opinion this is where we are and we need to move ahead. "

"Lead, follow or get out of the way." Thomas Paine

Stirring the "pot"holes

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:58 am
by pbona
Aloha Islanders,
As I write this, the sun is rising over Mt. Haleakala on the island of Maui. Having previously contributed to this thread, I feel my observations could be helpful. First, we have been on Maui for a month, the first 3 weeks we used air conditioned, public transportation to reach mountains, beaches and cities. $25/mth for seniors. Second, we rented a car (gas=$4.24/gal). Every twisty, 15%grade, one lane, back village, valley, mountain road is PAVED! No Pot holes. The terrain ranges from desert to rain forest. Google: the road to Hana or Mt Haleakala and look at the satellite pictures. The average folks here are working hard or dirt poor surfer hippies. Tourists pay for their roads too. If they paved their paradise without compromising it so can we. Mahalo,
Gone native on yet another island.
P.S. Oh yes, there was snow on the mountains too.