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Beaver Island Birdiing Trail Update

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:36 pm
by BeaverIslandAssociation
The Beaver Island Birding Trailâ??s (BIBT) dedication is moving forward and we hope that you have had the opportunity to view the website: The BIBT website stats for March show 18,000 hits, and in the first two weeks of April alone the site had over 15,000 hits. In addition, numerous articles have been written and various organizational web sites have been circulating very positive comments. The BIBT will also appear in the May issue of the Traverse Magazine. We hope this translates into more visitors who will become acquainted with the many wonderful facets of Beaver Island.
We would like to encourage islanders to attend the May 23rd evening dedication at the Community Center with guest speaker, Jon Allan, Director for the Office of Great Lakes. Local art work with a birding theme will also be on display. Another option to learn about this birding program is to accompany one of the professional field guides on a birding trip scheduled for Saturday, May 24th. Registration is needed for all the above events, and a registration form can be found on the BIBT website. Two of the field trips are sold out but other spots are still available. Because of the late spring, the warbler migration may be compressed, and those travelers from the jungle should be filling our tree tops.
Be watching for further progress this spring as the Michigan Department of Natural Resources places interpretive signage at birding hot spot site numbers 15, 20, 25, 32, and 32. Two additional interpretive signs made possible by the Charlevoix Community Foundation, the Beaver Island Association and Michigan Audubon will be placed on the Chimney Swift tower at the Government Center in early May. We hope that during your treks around the island, you will stop and enjoy the educational information which will deepen appreciation of islandâ??s natural resources.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:34 pm
by BeaverIslandAssociation
For those individuals who would like to participate in a birding field trip but may not have access to binoculars, we have 12 pairs available for Memorial weekend. All events are free but registration is required and a few spots are still available.

Eastern Bluebirds experienced declining populations for decades because of habitat loss and nest site competition with European Starlings and House Sparrows. When people began mounting nest boxes for this beautiful and popular bird, their numbers improved. This is an example of how people can make a positive difference for our nesting bird populations. The Tree Branch Bluebird House is the safest and most effective housing for the successful rearing of bluebirds. A limited number of Tree Branch Bluebird nesting boxes will be available for purchase this weekend at the Community Center.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:01 am
by BeaverIslandAssociation
Thank you to the community members for the suggestions regarding making the inaugural birding event a success. The island businesses and AMVETS have stepped up to the plate for assisting with food services for visitors over the Memorial Weekend. Hungry birders will be joining us-many on their first visit to Beaver Island.
Friday and Saturday dining options are as usual.
Additional dining options will be available on Sunday, May 25th due to the influx of visitors:
  • AMVETS will be serving up their not to be missed breakfast at the Holy Cross Parish Hall from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.
    Stoney Acres will be open for Campbellâ??s Gourmet Pizzas and salad from 4-8:30 p.m.
    Dalwhinnies, in addition to breakfast, will extend their service for lunch.
    Daddy Frankâ??s will be open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Sunday and the Shamrock will be open for lunch and dinner until 8:30 p.m.
    The Beaver Lodge will also be open.
If we have missed any other options for Sunday meals, please post here and share this information widely.
Itâ??s great to see the community working together on another fun event to promote our wonderful island!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 8:14 pm
by BI Pirate
Dear Birders & Mushroomers, Especially to mushroomers, I can personally attest that there are absolutely no morals on Whiskey Island so don't be looking over here. :roll:
