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sex ed

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:29 am
by pam moxham
well for starters you know my name.....unlike an earlier somewhat erratic rambling post by an unknown " friendly fisherwoman ".....

I'm glad the post was removed.

I understand , but I'm sorry that the very well written, articulate response of kaylyn jones and supportive comment of marissa crandall had to disappear too.

Awesome response! Keep at it ladies!
Kaylyn think about articles "to the editor" or " in my opinion " pieces...or " a voice from beaver island" column......

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:19 pm
by KaylynJ
Thank you again Pam! I appreciate your kind words. I find it very easy to speak out when I find something that is important to me and as I like to think of myself as a caring and compassionate imdividial, that happens a lot. I would love to do a Voice From Beaver Island column - let me know if anyone is interested ;)

Also big thanks to the other folks that have been messaging and calling me with kind words about my post.

All the best and then some,