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Looking for my ancestors?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:25 pm
by XrayDave

My name is David Ott (born in Toledo, OH in 1946) - my paternal grandmother was Mae Ott (a.k.a. as Mary McCafferty born on Beaver Island in 1889; brother William born in 1903). My cousin Jill Ott is living in the Toledo area and is visiting the island soon (I've been there several times as a teen back in the 1960s). I'm curious about our genealogy?

More information: my grandmother (above) married an Ott and lived in Chicago - she had 2 sons, George (Jill's father) & Jack (my father) - her husband (my paternal grandfather) died young (suicide? - not sure); I know that she returned to Beaver Island w/ her sons (presumably after her husband's death), probably in the 1930s?

I remember Stanley Floyd who was a cousin to my father, Jack Ott - I have little other information, BUT would be interested in comments from others on this forum who may provide some more facts - I've always been PROUD of my Irish heritage and it all goes back to Beaver Island!

Thanks for any comments, help, etc. - Dave Ott, grandson of Mary McCafferty, a Beaver Island 'native' from the late 19th century - I remember her well! Dave

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:52 am
by islandnurse

My name is Donna Kubic (McCafferty) and my middle name is Mae, named after your grandmother who was my Father's (John McCafferty, (Bing) favorite's aunt.

My sister Colleen (McCafferety) Martin is a better historian than I and she would like to give you a call. her phone number is 231-448-2397.

I have another sister (Karen Wojan) who lives on the island and a brother (John McCafferty) . Please have Jill look us up when she visits the island.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:36 am
by XrayDave
Hi Donna,

Thank you so much for your prompt response and the information about my grandmother; SO, we are related in some way (like one of those 'removed' cousins, I guess)?

I grew up in southern MI/Toledo area - went to school in Ann Arbor but moved away w/ my wife in 1971 after my graduation. My parents (now deceased) shortly after moved to Arkansas w/ my two brothers - Mae took care of us for a dozen years when we lived in Toledo, and I can understand your father's feelings. We've been living in North Carolina since '71.

Also, thank you for the kind offer to Jill - let me email her w/ your post; since she & her husband are the ones about to visit Beaver Island, she will certainly want to give your sister a call.



Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:30 am
by MikeF
After reading this, I guess I'm related too. I was at Beaver Island a few years back to drop off a chair in the historical museum. My grandfather was James (Leonard) Johnston and is buried on the island. His mother was Mary Johnston, a portrait of her father, Capt John Johson, is on the wall of the 2nd floor of the museum. My grandfather's biological father was Michael McCafferty -- he was born out of wedlock. Back then, my great-grandmother, Mary Johnston left the island and worked in Detroit. Their real last name was actually, Johnson, but she spelled it with a "t" when she came to Detroit. Mr great-great grandfather was Barney McCafferty. I believe his wife's first name was Grace.

Before my grandfather died in 1989, he received a letter from Stanley Floyd about his father Michael McCafferty -- he never met his real father during his lifetime or talked about it. I have a picture of Michael McCafferty. He and my grandfather look almost identical. By chance, does anyone have a photo of Barney McCafferty?

Interesting stuff.

Michael S. Franck (586) 282-7554 (w)

By the way, I wanted to come by the island this past weekend for St. Patrick's Day, but couldn't make it. I just had my grandmother's violin restored and wanted to try it out. One of my buddies was there, Jim Boynton, who played at the Stoney Acres. I will probably be at the island this spring or early summer.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:04 am
by Alice Belfy
Mike, I think you will soon discover that you have many relations here. Mary Johnston was my great aunt and owned a boarding house in Detroit where many Islanders roomed after leaving the island. Mary Johnston's sister, Alice Johnson Belfy, is my grandmother and namesake.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:08 am
by XrayDave
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your comments - I remember the name 'Barney McCafferty' but not any details (been a LONG time!). My cousin, Jill, and I have been trying to find out more about our paternal grandfather, who was Edward George Ott (1889-1927) - her father was named 'George' & my younger brother's middle name is 'Edward' (first name 'Rory' - quite Irish!). We are not sure of the exact circumstances of his passing, nor when he met & married our grandmother Mae Ott (a.k.a. Mary McCafferty), whether he was in WWI, and finally whether he might have spent time on Beaver Island.

BUT, I'm gathering up some old pics (colors faded) and will post for those who might be interested? The first is from my wedding day (July 12, 1970) - married Susan Emily Becker from New Jersey (where the wedding took place) - main reason is to show Mae Ott's two BOYS in their mid- to late 40s. George (and his wife Ginny) are on the far right; my father is standing between Susan's grandmother & mother. Susan & I are sitting in the middle of the pic - did we ever look that young! ;) Dave


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:10 pm
by XrayDave
Well, I was looking through some old scrapbooks of my mother (who past away in 1998) - scanned in some of the photos related to Beaver Island:

Top Left - and going from left to right, Bill McCafferty (Mae's 'baby' brother), Stanley Floyd, Jack Ott (my father), and someone I don't know but assume a relative? Not sure of the date or location?

Top Right - Stanley Floyd and my brother, Rory, sitting - probably from my second trip to the island (mid-60s).

Bottom Left - Jack Ott pulling the wagon (not really!) and me - likely from my first trip to BI, early 60s - I would have been about 16 y/o.

Bottom Right - My grandmother Mae Ott - her three grandsons hoisted her onto my brother's motorcycle and away she went, cane & all! Probably mid-60s @ our home in Michigan - she would have been in her mid-70s - still feisty and drinking 'high balls', as I recall - :) Dave

Addendum: - sent Susan to look at this thread & she remembers that episode w/ the cycle, SO that would be 1969 and Mae would have been 80 y/o! BOY, what a trooper! Chuckling - :)

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