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Thank You to District 5 Voters

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:15 pm
by Gillespie
Haven't had a chance yet to thank all who voted to keep representation from the island to the mainland as well as (in this opinion) good representation for Charlevoix County. In these economic times we need to make solid and fundamental decisions. Too many times people come before the board of commissioners with ideas that seem wonderful but there is a balance between wonderful and necessary. There is a big push by some for a detached bike path on the Boyne City Road. A wonderful idea! It would be better than an attached path but it has now reached a point of 10 times the expense. I cannot support something that is so financially out of whack and realistically benefits few. At one time there could have been an "overpaved" shoulder on both sides of the road, outside the fog line (white strip) that could have been 5 feet wide all the way from Boyne City to Charlevoix Avenue, it was turned down and now we face a vote that obligates us (and you) to support the 10x bike path for a distance from Boyne to Springwater Beach Road, I believe it is about 3 miles. However, if we vote in support of this we further obligate the county to complete the entire project by 2014 (through other grant applications and local match etc.). If no other local match is profferred, WE are obligated and are obligating you to do so. I cannot obligate myself or you in this case and do not intend to. Too many basic fundamental things are needed in the county before something like this should be done.

Our mental health care has no facility in Northern Michigan, none. The requirements are outlandish and as such, we cannot afford to do it. I suggested to our chairman the other day in a conversation that the NW Michigan Council of Governments (a 10 county agency) be the lead in establishing a mental health facility somewhere in our region, mind you this even includes Traverse City!

When I do not support these "feel good" projects, I get a challenger, that is fair but there is more to life than the perfect bike path and I am looking at the basics then we can look at the nice things. You would be told that these projects are funded by the Natural Resources Trust Fund, something that we pretty much all voted for 25+ years ago but did we know then that a bike path could only be detached with that money back then, I would bet no but the rules are changed after the vote is made, not kosher with this kid!

Again, thank you voters for your support, this takes a lot of energy and interest and I can assure you I give it my all, it may not please all but I look to the fairness and responsibility in administering my duties not just the "fun part", Rich