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webmaster/ Reply Notification old post that's been deleted

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:39 am
by Anna
This moning when I checked my email I noticed there was a reply in my inbox from Webmaster (at) beaverislandforum (dot) com

The topic was" Reply Notification" in regards to a recent post that had been deleted cause it was causing alot of controversy. Why would I still be getting notified about this particular post if it's been deleted? It seems strange to me.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:35 pm
by Jeff
The only thing I can think of without seeing the mail in question is that possibly there was a network glitch between this server and your ISP's mail server - default email behavior is to retry after x hours, ramping this up but continuing to retry for a few days until ultimately declaring a delivery failure.

If it happens again, please forward the email with headers to webmaster (at ) beaverislandforum (dot) com and I'll take a look in detail. My guess at this point is that it's just a one-time glitch.

webmaster reply

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:08 pm
by Anna
Thanks Jeff.

Sometimes the ISP's can be very touchy at times.

If computers were like most automobiles they'd probably be recalled. Oh! these modern conveniences. What would we do without them. :-)