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Stockings for Soldiers - BICS National Honor Society Project

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:42 pm
by Connie Boyle
The Beaver Island Community School National Honor Society is collecting items (personal hygiene and holiday goodies) to fill Stockings for Soldiers.

How can you help?

You can: Provide a pre-filled stocking, Donate items to fill stockings at school, Sponsor a Stocking ($40 cash or checks to Operation American Soldier), Donate any $ amount to help fill stockings, or purchase items at McDonoughs to help fill the stockings the NHS has hung there.

The NHS has also hung stockings in all the classrooms at Beaver Island Community School for students and staff to fill for the soldiers.

Note: The only items not acceptable are those with alcohol in them or items that are flammable.

Questions? Contact any National Honor Society member: Jenna Battle, Erin Boyle, Olivia Cary, Marissa Crandall, Olivia Schwartzfisher, or Connie Boyle (adviser)

Thank you for your support!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:09 pm
by taraandchuck
I have TONS of stuff leftover from Santa for Soldiers...who do I send it to? The school?