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I Think, I Think I Know You

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:19 pm
by BI Pirate
Have you ever seen someone and you know you know them but can't come up with a name or from where? It just happened to me tonight. Seeing a friend off at the airport here in Key West, I saw this guy I knew I knew but didn't know who or from where. He was totally familiar but the eyes were engaging faster than my brain so I didn't say anything and he didn't seem to recognize me. Later, after a couple of rums, the brain synapses started to fire up. I think it was Ken Taylor from BI but he was getting off a plane from Dallas. I haven't seen him for a number of years but I'm sure it was him or a look-a-like. Crazy weird feeling that calls for a couple more rums. :shock: :roll: 8)

Re: I Think, I Think I Know You

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:05 am
by Sailorman Larry
It was him! He will be there for a month! Wish I was too!

Re: I Think, I Think I Know You

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 1:57 pm
by BI Pirate
Nailed it! So it was Ken Taylor. A doctor once told me that consuming rum was bad for my health, brain and longevity. I told the doctor that I knew more old rum drinking sailors and pirates than old doctors and they were far more fun. Medical advise or rum, my choice. I knew it was Ken Taylor. So there doctor.
Does anyone know why Mr. Taylor is on my island in the south or have his email address? If you have an email address, private message it to me so I can contact him to see if he remembers me. Can't use my smart phone because it was not smart enough to let me know it was in my pocket when I went swimming. Have a new one on order, so much for smart by either one of us. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: I Think, I Think I Know You

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:54 pm
by BI Pirate
Thanks to all for Mr. Taylor's email address. I've reached out to him to see if we can hook up while he is down here. 8) 8) 8)