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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:56 pm
by meadefamily

I agree with you and you bring up some good points. I don't believe that there have been many successful consolidations. Battle Creek was one. Certainly not as unique as the island! I see records of considerations and attempts.

There is a company that does studies in this. I posted thier info on a previous post and reached out to them as well. He was given a few names to contact. I am not sure if anything came of it. Maybe the townships should consider this option. A few dollars and time today to get ALL the facts and not speculations and opinions would be better use of money and energy by all. is the website. If you would like more info let me know. Seems to me a disinterested third party study would be ideal. Facts are facts...and from where I sit I don't see many facts.


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:54 pm
by carolburton
Take the survey! I think it gives a good general picture of where people stand. Interesting points as well.