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Andy's Grooming Barn
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Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

I am coping this again as I posted it below.

I am a little confused you said the sewer has an internal debt but then state that it makes a pmt of $7,000 to Charlevoix State bank. So is there a loan from the bank and if so how much is the loan for and if not please explain the $7,000. Thanks.

No offense Kitty but I think you have to post your comments on the pro side, I was told I had to respond only on the con side because I was against so if this is what Richie wants done he needs to follow through with everyone the same way.
Andy Kohls
Andy's Grooming and Boarding Barn
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Post by meadefamily »

When I asked about the debt in St. James that you are referring to this was Richie's response:

From Richie, "here is nothing being hidden and there is no debt in St. James Township (confirmed)"

I am confused...if St. James is paying a debt until 2020...isn't that debt? The lack of transparency scares me.

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Post by Gillespie »

There is no hidden debt.
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Post by meadefamily »


With all due respect. That is NOT what you said or implied. Specifically the question was about the debt. You said there was NO debt. This is what scares me the most. I know your heart is in the right place and you feel this is a good thing. Someone looking in trying to learn and understand it is so disheartening when this stuff occurs. You personally misled me and even if it was not intentional it was unfair. You talk about people being afraid to speak out. Of course they are. I encourage you to go back and look at the post Richie. This new attempt and posturing is no way to win your votes. Fix the numbers on the BI projections, unlock the post so people can ask questions, include the documents that support this. I have been in business many years and I can tell you that the township is a business and if the new township starts out as Rocky as the petition did we are all in big trouble. Maybe the debt is not an issue, and no need to be concerned. It would have been nice to be able to understand how it was being addressed and no told...NO DEBT. When half truths are told it creates a tax payer that is alarming. I would love to be able to say consolidation is a great answer today, but how can it be when the information out there is not accurate?


Kathe Meade
Andy's Grooming Barn
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Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

Thank you Kitty and Bill for answering the question about debt. I still have the question of, "If you plan to cut revenues in EMS by 43% can you show where you plan to cut those and how it will not effect us loosing services?" I am pretty sure that Bill and Kitty can not answer this it will have to be somebody on the committee but I would like a break down where year after year you can run EMS on this less of a budget also I would like to know where you are going to come up with the funds needed for the equipment, vehicles, etc. that will need up graded and replaces some of which will have to be sooner rather than later. I am pretty sure I will get no response from the committee but I still feel it is very important to ask this question. I am not sure how the committee expects votes to vote for something that they can not get their questions answered. It truly is a shame that this is all being done without information getting to the public.
Andy Kohls
Andy's Grooming and Boarding Barn
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Post by meadefamily »

Ken says he wants island...yet his pure hatred pours out of him. The first part of his qoute was so misguided I could not copy it. This says a mouthful. I guess his full transparency has finally been shown. His hatred for Peanine township is certainly been shown over and over. I could never trust anything he says again. There is nothing objective about this.

Seems to me Ken is rallying a takeover, not a unity.

"St James successfully got itself out of a deep hole that the past board dug. I am just sorry that those two were not on Peaine's board."

As a taxpayer I suggest we Unite...and to do that the topic needs more time and experts to work together. I see merits of consolidation, but I see major flaws in the timing and organization. The island has amazing talent and passion from many. Take this back to the drawing board and work without the toxic noise and hatred we see here.
Andy's Grooming Barn
Posts: 371
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Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

For more information and the lies and slanderous remarks you can read what Ken writes on the pro consolidation. No point in trying to talk to them and getting the FACTS out as this is what response you will get:

"Just explaining why there is a $7,000 debt still and that it will be paid off soon." "There is no debt, so go on to something else, but make sure it is on the other thread."

This is what Ken writes in one post what is anybody suppose to believe then you are talking out both sides of your mouth. Thanks for the transparency I was truly sincere but apparently you are not!
Andy Kohls
Andy's Grooming and Boarding Barn
Posts: 280
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Post by meadefamily »

have a few questions maybe could be answered.

1. If there is debt in St. James and it is on a payout to be completed by 2020 will consolidation impact this? When will joint assets/liabilities be merged? Would consolidation shift this payback and burden tax payers more/less depending on where they live?

2. Ken implied the sewer system in St. James has issues. Is that true? Is there a plan in place to correct this? How is it funded? Does it impact the school and the safety of the kids? The safety of our waters and wildlife?

Please understand, I ask because as an ISLAND tax payer I want to know. As a patron to St. James businesses I am concerned for them, and as a supporter of the economic growth and environmental impact I want to understand.
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Post by meadefamily »


If you go back and read the chain of comments...before you hurry up and edit them you will see that I was not the one that started it. I was really taken back by Brad's last sentence and found it incredibly unfair to others who do so much. I did not belittle you or poke at your generous gifts.

So what you are asking is that you and your buddies can post and say anything they want without accountability?

My last post asked questions to understand how consolidation would impact those topics. Why are you so afraid of the questions that you have to posture and attack?

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Post by meadefamily »

I don't believe Kitty has answered my questions. I am not sure that they would be a question for her as they are more about the logistics of how things would be handled if consolidation happened.

Please try and have a conversation with out name calling...

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Post by meadefamily »

My question above was based on this post by Ken Taylor:

I" have heard several people speaking about not wanting to join with St. James because of the sewer issue. They don't want to be responsible for the sewer. I would like to remind them of what would happen to their property values or business value across the entire Island if the E Coli or Coliform count would rise in Paradise Bay and come to the attention of the Health Department. Signs greeting boat passengers and others saying that swimming and using personal watercraft in the Bay is prohibited due to pollution. Why would anyone want to rent, own or visit Beaver Island. This does happen across the State during the summer in several places. Do you want it to happen on Beaver Island? "


I am not taking any side when it comes to consolidation I am truly interested in if any of this is true and is there a sewer issue? I am not interested in digging up the past and hearing about who did what, or how something was handled. I am interested in if we have a problem on the island that needs to be addressed NOW. What worries me is when I ask I am attached and told to shut up...the ironic part is Ken brings up good points, but he does not want my questions answered???
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Post by meadefamily »

Sorry for the repetitive response but out if respect for Ken I am responding where he chose to post... unfortunately several places.


Again please reframe from the name calling.

This is a great list and would be an awesome topic for the forum on volunteer opportunities for everyone. Contributing both financially and with time. I am not sure it is a consolidation topic however.

As far as what I do I am not sure where that is any of your business or concern. Typically when people volunteer or give money to causes they believe in they do it because they believe in the cause, not to boast. My husband and I are very private people when it comes to this topic. We have to give where our heart leads us. Not where someone attempts to shame us as you continue to do.

Perhaps someday when we retire to the island we will become more visably active in our volunteerism, but unfortunately right now we have another home and community we support as well. We also have a child that needs much of our time and attention and has become our focus on helping her prepare for her future. Raising a child with special needs is a full time job in itself and requires many resources both financially and emotionally.

See Ken, you don't know me, my life or what I deal with on a daily basis. Many on the island do, but I choose who I share my life with. I also don't know your life or your struggles. We all have them. And I respect that you will choose who you share with.

Please stop questioning my love for the island or my love and respect for the people that live and vacation there. That is very unfair of you. I do not question your commitment or love for the island. I welcome a call if you would like to discuss things further and encourage you to get back on topic.

Best regards

Kathe meade
kathleen mcnamara
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Post by kathleen mcnamara »

I am responding to Kathy Meade's 2 questions that were posted yesterday relative to the sewer system internal debt.

1. If there is debt in St. James and it is on a payout to be completed by 2020 will consolidation impact this? When will joint assets/liabilities be merged? Would consolidation shift this payback and burden tax payers more/less depending on where they live?
Consolidation will not impact the internal debt of the sewer system as the dollars to repay this are generated through the monthly fees assessed to current customers of the sewer system and not through general property taxes. For the last two years, an annual sewer rate study has been completed, and will continue to be completed, to analyze the system itself and it's financial obligations. Sewer rates are adjusted to allow the fund to meet ongoing expenses and remain solvent. Once the internal paybacks are completed, more money can be directed to the Capital Improvements account to build funds for future needs. I would like to clarify here that I made a typographical error in printing that this would be paid by 2020, the date should read 2021.

2. Ken implied the sewer system in St. James has issues. Is that true? Is there a plan in place to correct this? How is it funded? Does it impact the school and the safety of the kids? The safety of our waters and wildlife?
The sewer system itself is fully paid for, the bond (which was assessed only on those properties connected to the system) was paid off a year ago. There is no negative impact of the sewer to the school, the safety of the students, or the safety of our waters and wildlife. The sewer system was recently inspected and found to be in good shape and is well maintained and monitored by the township maintenance person.
Kitty McNamara
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Post by meadefamily »

Thank you Kitty for the information. :D
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Other than that, the table is accurate

Post by Wkohls »

I previously wrote about issues in the proponents’ suggested budget. While not as egregious as the proposal to slash funding for emergency medical services, the proponents’ summary of millage information on page 7 of 7 reveals substantial confusion about current and proposed property taxes.

The townships’ authority to levy taxes consists of 1 mill that is allocated to the townships by the county, plus amounts that are specifically approved by the voters.

Column (1) “Voted Millage” for St. James and Peaine Township inappropriately includes the 1 mill allocated by the county, while column (3) “Consolidated Voted Millage” inappropriately reduces the general fund millage to 2.6 mills from 3.6 mills set forth in the ballot proposal.

The total voted millage should be . . .
St. James – 14.25 (not 15.25 mills)
Peaine – 13.75 (not 14.75 mills)
Consolidated – 13.75

As a result, the table as presented in the budget infers a lower potential tax increase and, therefore, may be misleading to the casual reader.

In addition, the table refers to voted and levied millage for the 2018 – 2019 fiscal year. Property taxes are levied in arrears and those amounts will not be determined until September and will be payable in February of 2019. Accordingly, the reference should be to the 2017 – 2018 fiscal year.

Decreases in spending will only result from the careful implementation of a thoroughly-vetted, comprehensive plan. We have not yet seen that plan.
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